Mishap or lingerie mistress?
Little Mix’s Jade Thirlwall has attracted attention for her wardrobe mishap when she attended the BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards earlier in the week. However, while some have chosen to call it a malfunction, others can’t help but notice that Jade’s perfect panty presentation won’t have done her any harm at all with her fans. It’s just one of those moments when having exactly the right lingerie matters – my mum always used to warn me that I might get run over by a bus, but flashing my undies in front of dozens of photographers would also be a good reason to have a great set of knickers on!Mini-skirts are always high risk, not just because they blow up, as Jade Thirlwall’s did, but because getting into and out of a car or on and off public transport can leave mini-skirt wearers somewhat ‘exposed’. Fortunately we have a treasure trove of perfect panties to ensure that your malfunction leaves any viewer charmed, not alarmed! If you would like to be as perfectly groomed as Jade, we’d recommend the sleek and very wearable made-to-order ‘sexy feeling’ lingerie briefs by Antinea – guaranteed to make you mistress of any wardrobe mishap.
Never post on Facebook what you wouldn’t want your other half to know!
And underwear has caused a marriage rift, with a thoughtless husband getting exactly what he asked for! When a Manchester man called Tom commented on photographs of the gorgeous Kelly Brook wearing lingerie for a Daily Mail photoshoot, he made a major mistake.His comments included the claim that ‘… I would leave my wife and kids for one night with her!’ But he forgot that his posts to the newspaper’s website were linked back to his Facebook page, so his wife got to read every word. Her response? ‘You don't deserve our beautiful kids and I hope your brother has room on his sofa because I'm having the locks changed.’
Body brushing, winter’s best kept secret…

Body brushing is one of the most effective ways to have wonderful winter skin. It’s a very simple process, requiring just a long-handled brush, preferably with natural fibre bristles and around 5-10 minutes every morning. The benefits of dry skin body brushing include:
- Reducing cellulite
- Breaking down fat deposits
- Assisting in lymphatic drainage and detoxification
- Stimulating circulation.
The technique is very simple. Brush from your toes towards your heart, and then from your fingers towards your heart, using long slow strokes to invigorate the lymphatic system and polish the skin surface. This is best done in the morning before a shower, and should be followed by liberal applications of your favourite body lotion to continue the softening and smoothing action. After just a few days you should start to see a real difference, and you’ll be happy to bare your bod, even in the middle of winter!
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